Professor Gideon Aran
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology
Hebrew University
Israel 91905Email: gideon.aran@mail.huji.ac.il
Phone: 972-2-5883331 (Office)
972-2-5345801 (Home)
Fax : 972-2-5324339 (Office) -
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Tag Archives: neighbors
Gideon Aran: Role Of Socializing Agents
All the adults in his environment are placed against him in the role of socializing agents, including his older brothers (even though the age gap may be small), neighbors, fellow worshippers in the synagogue, and even passersby from the community. … Continue reading
Posted in Body, Haredim, Original Articles
Tagged cholarship, Gideon Aran, king, neighbors, older brothers, synagogue
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